Sunday, March 18, 2007

Smart Architect Builds Dumb Building

It is not a sophisticated building; it is a throwback. It is the first office building in 50 years to be built in Seattle without air conditioning. It will just efficiently and simply use 30% less energy by doing things that architects have known about for hundreds of years.

Got sun in your face? Put on sunglasses on the building to stop it before it gets in. Want fresh air? Open the window. Want light? Make it shallow, only 35 feet from window to courtyard. Other features include waterless urinals, a highly efficient hot-water heating system and perimeter hydronic radiant heating that is individually controlled. The use of stairs will be encouraged by making them visible and accessible while the exposed structure minimizes the use of finish materials.

Thompson of Weber+Thomson, who will be the main tenant, says " Our goal is to construct a place that promotes a healthier environment by using natural resources more efficiently, which, in turn, will reduce our impact on the environment. A sustainable building uses design and technology that works with nature. It promotes a sense of community, a sense of place."

It is not the high tech, sophisticated technology that will lead to sustainability. The way to build is to do the dumb simple things that everybody did before we had cheap power, which makes this just about the smartest building around.


Jin Yanni

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